Prolog is not able to modify instantiated parts of a term. Lacking that capability makes the language much safer, but unfortunately there are problems that suffer severely in terms of time and/or memory usage. Always try hard to avoid the use of these primitives, but they can be a good alternative to using dynamic predicates. See also section 4.33, discussing the use of global variables.
This predicate may be used for destructive assignment to terms, using them as an extra-logical storage bin. Always try hard to avoid the use of setarg/3 as it is not supported by many Prolog systems and one has to be very careful about unexpected copying as well as unexpected noncopying of terms. A good practice to improve somewhat on this situation is to make sure that terms whose arguments are subject to setarg/3 have one unused and unshared variable in addition to the used arguments. This variable avoids unwanted sharing in, e.g., copy_term/2, and causes the term to be considered as non-ground. An alternative is to use put_attr/3 to attach information to attributed variables (seeĀ section 8.1).
, removing
the type restriction on Value. See also nb_linkarg/3.
Below is an example for counting the number of solutions of a goal. Note
that this implementation is thread-safe, reentrant and capable of
handling exceptions. Realising these features with a traditional
implementation based on assert/retract or flag/3
is much more complicated.
:- meta_predicate succeeds_n_times(0, -). succeeds_n_times(Goal, Times) :- Counter = counter(0), ( Goal, arg(1, Counter, N0), N is N0 + 1, nb_setarg(1, Counter, N), fail ; arg(1, Counter, Times) ).