server_attribute(?ServerID, ?Attribute, ?Value) is nondet[multifile, swish(lib/oauth2)]
Multifile hook that defines available oauth2 servers. ServerID is our internal nickname for the oauth2 identity provider. Attribute and Value provide the various attributes we need to know to contact the server. Defined attributes are:
Base URL for the identity provider. Normally points at the root of the server. Other locations are relative to this URL.
URI to which the identity provider will redirect back. This is the public URL for oauth2(ServerID/reply). It may be left undefined if the server can find its own location. This URI is normally registered with the identity provider.
Endpoint for automatic configuration. The default is url, followed by /.well-known/openid-configuration. The discovery URL is used if one of the other required attributes is not defined by the hook.
Path on the identity provider that initiates a login. The default is obtained from the `discovery_endpoint.
Location to validate the access code and obtain an access token. The default is obtained from the `discovery_endpoint.
Path to get info on the user from the access token. The default is obtained from the `discovery_endpoint.
Needed for implicit and hybrid login flows (typically not used by servers)
Identity by which we are known at the identity provider.
Secret we need to identify ourselves with the identity provider
Set of attributes we wish to have from the identity provider.
Set the certificate verification hook. Default is to verify the certificate. If set to cert_accept_any, any certificate is accepted. This can be used to deal with self-signed certificates in expertimental setups.
 oauth2:server_attribute(?ServerID, ?Attribute, ?Value)[multifile, 'config-enabled/']
Declare properties of an oauth2 identity provider. The values below are for a Unity server.
See also
- swish(lib/oauth2) for a description of the attributes.
 oauth2:server_attribute(?ServerID, ?Attribute, ?Value)[multifile, 'config-enabled/']
Declare properties of an oauth2 identity provider. The values below are for StackExchange server.


See also
- swish(lib/oauth2) for a description of the attributes.