
Prolog files  -- clpBNR: Constraint Logic Programming over Continuous Domain of RealsShow source
::/2Succeeds if variable X has domain Dom; otherwise fails.Source
absolve/1Succeeds if a if X is a numeric (or list of numeric); otherwise fails.Source
absolve/2Same as absolve/1 with precision defined by Precision.Source
clpStatistic/1Succeeds if S unifies with a clpStatistic value; otherwise fails.Source
clpStatistics/0Resets clpBNR statistics - always succeeds.Source
clpStatistics/1Succeeds if Ss unifies with a list of clpStatistic's values; otherwise fails.Source
delta/2Succeeds if X is numeric and W unifies with the width of X (upper bound-lowerbound); otherwise fails.Source
domain/2Succeeds if X is an interval and Dom unifies with the domain of X; otherwise fails.Source
enumerate/1Succeeds non-deterministically by enumerating values of any Term.Source
global_maximize/2Succeeds if Z unifies with the global maximum of (evaluated) expression Exp; otherwise fails.Source
global_maximize/3Same as global_maximize/2 with additional argument defining precision (overrides environment flag clpBNR_default_precision).Source
global_maximum/2Succeeds if Z unifies with the global maximum of (evaluated) expression Exp; otherwise fails.Source
global_maximum/3Same as global_maximum/2 with additional argument defining precision (overrides environment flag clpBNR_default_precision).Source
global_minimize/2Succeeds if Z unifies with the global minimum of (evaluated) expression Exp; otherwise fails.Source
global_minimize/3Same as global_minimize/2 with additional argument defining precision (overrides environment flag clpBNR_default_precision).Source
global_minimum/2Succeeds if Z unifies with the global minimum of (evaluated) expression Exp; otherwise fails.Source
global_minimum/3Same as global_minimum/2 with additional argument defining precision (overrides environment flag clpBNR_default_precision).Source
interval/1Succeeds if X is an interval, i.e., a variable with a clpBNR attribute; otherwise fails.Source
interval_degree/2Succeeds if X is numeric and N = number of clpBNR constraints on X; otherwise fails.Source
list/1Succeeds if X is a list; otherwise fails.Source
lower_bound/1Succeeds if X is numeric and unifies with the lower bound of its domain.Source
median/2Succeeds if X is numeric and M unifies with the median of X; otherwise fails.Source
midpoint/2Succeeds if X is numeric and M unifies with the midpoint of X; otherwise fails.Source
nb_setbounds/2Succeeds if X is an interval and can be narrowed to the bounds Bs = [L,U]; otherwise fails.Source
partial_derivative/3Suucceds if the (symbolic) partial derivative of Exp with respect to variable X is Drv; otherwise fails.Source
print_interval/1Succeeds printing term T with interval expanded to domains and vars labelled V*; fails if output fails.Source
print_interval/2Same as print_interval with output to a stream.Source
range/2Succeeds if X is numeric and Bs unifies with a list containing the lower and upper bound of X; otherwise fails.Source
small/1Succeeds if the width of the domain of Numeric is less than the value defined by the environment flag clpBNR_default_precision which is a positive integer specifying number of digits; otherwise fails.Source
small/2Succeeds if the width of the domain of Numeric is less than the value defined by P (digits of precision); otherwise fails.Source
solve/1Succeeds if a solution can be found for all values in X where the resultant domain of any value is narrower than the limit specified by the default precision (number of digits as defined by the environment flag clpBNR_default_precision); otherwise fails.Source
solve/2Same as solve/1 with precision defined by Precision.Source
splitsolve/1Succeeds if a solution can be found for all values in X where the resultant domain of any value if narrower than the limit specified by the default precision (number of digits as defined by the environment flag clpBNR_default_precision); otherwise fails.Source
splitsolve/2Same as splitsolve/1 with precision defined by Precision.Source
trace_clpBNR/1Succeeds if B can be unified with the current value of the clpBNR trace flag or if the trace flag can be set to B (true or false); otherwise fails.Source
upper_bound/1Succeeds if X is numeric and unifies with the upper bound of its domain.Source
watch/2Succeeds if X is an interval and Action is an atom; otherwise fails.Source
{}/1Succeeds if Constraints is a sequence of one or more boolean expressions (typically equalities and inequalities) defining a set of valid and consistent constraints; otherwise fails.Source