36:- module(html_text,
37 [ html_text/1, 38 html_text/2 39 ]). 40:- use_module(library(debug),[debug/3]). 41:- autoload(library(ansi_term),[ansi_format/3]). 42:- autoload(library(apply),[foldl/4,maplist/3,maplist/2]). 43:- autoload(library(error),[must_be/2]). 44:- autoload(library(lists),
45 [ append/3, list_to_set/2, reverse/2, delete/3, sum_list/2,
46 nth1/3, max_list/2
47 ]). 48:- autoload(library(option),[select_option/4,merge_options/3,option/3]). 49:- autoload(library(sgml),[xml_is_dom/1,load_html/3]). 50:- autoload(library(lynx/format),[format_paragraph/2,trim_line/2]). 51:- autoload(library(lynx/html_style),
52 [ element_css/3, css_block_options/5, css_inline_options/3,
53 attrs_classes/2, style_css_attrs/2
54 ]). 55
56:- predicate_options(html_text/2, 2,
57 [ margin_left(integer),
58 margin_right(integer),
59 width(integer),
60 text_align(oneof([justify, left]))
61 ]).
85html_text(Input) :-
86 html_text(Input, []).
88html_text(Input, Options) :-
89 ( xml_is_dom(Input)
90 -> DOM = Input
91 ; load_html(Input, DOM, Options)
92 ),
93 default_state(State0),
94 state_options(Options, State0, State),
95 init_nl,
96 format_dom(DOM, State).
98state_options([], State, State).
99state_options([H|T], State0, State) :-
100 H =.. [Key,Value],
101 ( fmt_option(Key, Type, _Default)
102 -> must_be(Type, Value),
103 State1 = State0.put(Key,Value)
104 ; State1 = State0
105 ),
106 state_options(T, State1, State).
108fmt_option(margin_left, integer, 0).
109fmt_option(margin_right, integer, 0).
110fmt_option(text_align, oneof([justify, left]), justify).
111fmt_option(width, between(10,1000), 72).
113default_state(State) :-
114 findall(Key-Value, fmt_option(Key, _, Value), Pairs),
115 dict_pairs(Dict, _, Pairs),
116 State = Dict.put(_{ style:[], list:[]}).
122format_dom([], _) :-
123 !.
124format_dom([H|T], State) :-
125 format_dom(H, State),
126 !,
127 format_dom(T, State).
128format_dom(Content, State) :-
129 Content = [H0|_],
130 \+ is_block_element(H0),
131 !,
132 ( append(Inline, [H|T], Content),
133 is_block_element(H)
134 -> true
135 ; Inline = Content
136 ),
137 format_dom(element(p, [], Inline), State),
138 format_dom([H|T], State).
139format_dom(element(html, _, Content), State) :-
140 !,
141 format_dom(Content, State).
142format_dom(element(head, _, _), _) :-
143 !.
144format_dom(element(body, _, Content), State) :-
145 !,
146 format_dom(Content, State).
147format_dom(element(E, Attrs, Content), State) :-
148 !,
149 ( format_element(E, Attrs, Content, State)
150 -> true
151 ; debug(format(html), 'Skipped block element ~q', [E])
152 ).
154format_element(pre, Attrs, [Content], State) :-
155 !,
156 block_element(pre, Attrs, Top-Bottom, BlockAttrs, Style),
157 update_style(Style, State, State1),
158 ask_nl(Top),
159 emit_code(Content, BlockAttrs, State1),
160 ask_nl(Bottom).
161format_element(table, Attrs, Content, State) :-
162 !,
163 block_element(table, Attrs, Top-Bottom, BlockAttrs, Style),
164 update_style(Style, State, State1),
165 state_par_properties(State1, BlockAttrs, BlockOptions),
166 ask_nl(Top),
167 emit_nl,
168 format_table(Content, Attrs, BlockOptions, State1),
169 ask_nl(Bottom).
170format_element(hr, Attrs, _, State) :-
171 !,
172 block_element(hr, Attrs, Top-Bottom, BlockAttrs, Style),
173 update_style(Style, State, State1),
174 state_par_properties(State1, BlockAttrs, BlockOptions),
175 ask_nl(Top),
176 emit_nl,
177 emit_hr(Attrs, BlockOptions, State1),
178 ask_nl(Bottom).
179format_element(Elem, Attrs, Content, State) :-
180 block_element(Elem, Attrs, Top-Bottom, BlockAttrs, Style),
181 !,
182 update_style(Style, State, State1),
183 block_words(Content, SubBlocks, Words, State1),
184 ( Words == []
185 -> true
186 ; ask_nl(Top),
187 emit_block(Words, BlockAttrs, State1),
188 ask_nl(Bottom)
189 ),
190 ( SubBlocks \== []
191 -> update_state_par_properties(BlockAttrs, State1, State2),
192 format_dom(SubBlocks, State2)
193 ; true
194 ).
195format_element(Elem, Attrs, Content, State) :-
196 list_element(Elem, Attrs, Top-Bottom, State, State1),
197 !,
198 open_list(Elem, State1, State2),
199 ask_nl(Top),
200 format_list(Content, Elem, 1, State2),
201 ask_nl(Bottom).
202format_element(Elem, Attrs, Content, State) :-
203 format_list_element(element(Elem, Attrs, Content), none, 0, State).
209block_element(El, Attrs, Margins, ParOptions, Style) :-
210 block_element(El, Margins0, ParOptions0, Style0),
211 ( nonvar(Attrs),
212 element_css(El, Attrs, CSS)
213 -> css_block_options(CSS, Margins0, Margins, ParOptions, Style1),
214 append(Style1, Style0, Style2),
215 list_to_set(Style2, Style)
216 ; Margins = Margins0,
217 ParOptions = ParOptions0,
218 Style = Style0
219 ).
221block_element(p, 1-2, [], []).
222block_element(div, 1-1, [], []).
223block_element(hr, 1-1, [], []).
224block_element(h1, 2-2, [], [bold]).
225block_element(h2, 2-2, [], [bold]).
226block_element(h3, 2-2, [], [bold]).
227block_element(h4, 2-2, [], [bold]).
228block_element(pre, 2-2, [], []).
229block_element(blockquote, 2-2, [margin_left(4), margin_right(4)], []).
230block_element(table, 2-2, [], []).
232list_element(ul, _, Margins, State0, State) :-
233 margins(4, 4, State0, State),
234 list_level_margins(State, Margins).
235list_element(ol, _, Margins, State0, State) :-
236 margins(4, 4, State0, State),
237 list_level_margins(State, Margins).
238list_element(dl, _, 2-2, State, State).
244list_level_margins(State, 2-2) :-
245 nonvar(State),
246 State.get(list) == [],
247 !.
248list_level_margins(_, 0-0).
250format_list([], _, _, _).
251format_list([H|T], Type, Nth, State) :-
252 format_list_element(H, Type, Nth, State),
253 ( T == []
254 -> true
255 ; Nth1 is Nth + 1,
256 format_list(T, Type, Nth1, State)
257 ).
259format_list_element(element(LE, Attrs, Content), Type, Nth, State) :-
260 setup_list_element(LE, Attrs, Type, Nth, ListParProps, State, State1),
261 block_words(Content, Blocks, Words, State1),
262 emit_block(Words, ListParProps, State1),
263 ( Blocks \== []
264 -> ask_nl(2), 265 update_state_par_properties(ListParProps, State1, State2),
266 format_dom(Blocks, State2)
267 ; true
268 ).
270setup_list_element(li, _Attrs, _Type, Nth, ListParProps, State, State) :-
271 list_par_properties(State.list, Nth, ListParProps).
272setup_list_element(dt, _Attrs, _Type, _Nth, [], State, State2) :-
273 margins(0, 0, State, State1),
274 update_style([bold], State1, State2).
275setup_list_element(dd, _Attrs, _Type, _Nth, [], State, State1) :-
276 margins(4, 0, State, State1).
282list_par_properties([ul|_More], _, [bullet('\u2022')]).
283list_par_properties([ol|_More], N, [bullet(N)]).
290block_words(Content, RC, Words, State) :-
291 phrase(bwords(Content, RC, State), Words0),
292 join_whitespace(Words0, Words1),
293 trim_line(Words1, Words).
295bwords([], [], _) -->
296 !.
297bwords([H|T], Rest, _State) -->
298 { var(Rest),
299 is_block_element(H),
300 !,
301 Rest = [H|T]
302 }.
303bwords([H|T], Rest, State) -->
304 !,
305 bwordsel(H, State),
306 bwords(T, Rest, State).
308is_block_element(element(E,_,_)) :-
309 ( block_element(E, _, _, _)
310 ; list_element(E)
311 ; list_item_element(E)
312 ),
313 debug(format(html), 'Found block ~q', [E]),
314 !.
316bwordsel(element(Elem, Attrs, Content), State) -->
317 { styled_inline(Elem, Attrs, Margins, Style),
318 !,
319 update_style(Style, State, State1)
320 },
321 left_margin(Margins),
322 bwords(Content, [], State1),
323 right_margin(Margins).
324bwordsel(element(br, _, _), _State) -->
325 [br([])].
326bwordsel(CDATA, State) -->
327 { atomic(CDATA),
328 !,
329 split_string(CDATA, " \n\t\r", "", Words)
330 },
331 words(Words, State).
332bwordsel(element(Elem, _Attrs, _Content), _State) -->
333 { debug(format(html), 'Skipped inline element ~q', [Elem]) }.
335left_margin(0-_) --> !.
336left_margin(N-_) --> [b(N,_)].
338right_margin(_-0) --> !.
339right_margin(_-N) --> [b(N,_)].
341styled_inline(El, Attrs, Margins, Style) :-
342 styled_inline(El, Style0),
343 ( nonvar(Attrs),
344 element_css(El, Attrs, CSS)
345 -> css_inline_options(CSS, Margins, Style1),
346 append(Style1, Style0, Style2),
347 list_to_set(Style2, Style)
348 ; Style = Style0
349 ).
351styled_inline(b, [bold]).
352styled_inline(strong, [bold]).
353styled_inline(em, [bold]).
354styled_inline(span, []).
355styled_inline(i, [underline]).
356styled_inline(a, [underline]).
357styled_inline(var, []).
358styled_inline(code, []).
365words([], _) --> [].
366words([""|T0], State) -->
367 !,
368 { skip_leading_spaces(T0, T) },
369 space,
370 words(T, State).
371words([H|T], State) -->
372 word(H, State),
373 ( {T==[]}
374 -> []
375 ; { skip_leading_spaces(T, T1) },
376 space,
377 words(T1, State)
378 ).
380skip_leading_spaces([""|T0], T) :-
381 !,
382 skip_leading_spaces(T0, T).
383skip_leading_spaces(L, L).
385word(W, State) -->
386 { string_length(W, Len),
387 ( Style = State.get(style)
388 -> true
389 ; Style = []
390 )
391 },
392 [w(W, Len, Style)].
394space -->
395 [b(1,_)].
401join_whitespace([], []).
402join_whitespace([H0|T0], [H|T]) :-
403 join_whitespace(H0, H, T0, T1),
404 !,
405 join_whitespace(T1, T).
406join_whitespace([H|T0], [H|T]) :-
407 join_whitespace(T0, T).
409join_whitespace(b(Len0,_), b(Len,_), T0, T) :-
410 take_whitespace(T0, T, Len0, Len).
412take_whitespace([b(Len1,_)|T0], T, Len0, Len) :-
413 !,
414 Len2 is max(Len1,Len0),
415 take_whitespace(T0, T, Len2, Len).
416take_whitespace(L, L, Len, Len).
427update_style([], State, State) :-
428 !.
429update_style(Extra, State0, State) :-
430 ( get_dict(style, State0, Style0, State, Style)
431 -> add_style(Extra, Style0, Style)
432 ; add_style(Extra, [], Style),
433 put_dict(style, State0, Style, State)
434 ).
436add_style(Extra, Style0, Style) :-
437 reverse(Extra, RevExtra),
438 foldl(add1_style, RevExtra, Style0, Style).
444add1_style(New, Style0, Style) :-
445 ( style_overrides(New, Add, Overrides)
446 -> delete_all(Overrides, Style0, Style1),
447 append(Add, Style1, Style)
448 ; Style = [New|Style0]
449 ).
451delete_all([], List, List).
452delete_all([H|T], List0, List) :-
453 delete(List0, H, List1),
454 delete_all(T, List1, List).
456style_overrides(normal, [], [bold]).
457style_overrides(fg(C), [fg(C)], [fg(_), hfg(_)]).
458style_overrides(bg(C), [bg(C)], [bg(_), hbg(_)]).
459style_overrides(underline(false), [], [underline]).
461margins(Left, Right, State0, State) :-
462 _{ margin_left:ML0, margin_right:MR0 } >:< State0,
463 ML is ML0 + Left,
464 MR is MR0 + Right,
465 State = State0.put(_{margin_left:ML, margin_right:MR}).
467open_list(Type, State0, State) :-
468 get_dict(list, State0, Lists, State, [Type|Lists]).
470update_state_par_properties([], State, State).
471update_state_par_properties([H|T], State0, State) :-
472 H =.. [ Key, Value ],
473 State1 = State0.put(Key,Value),
474 update_state_par_properties(T, State1, State).
481state_par_properties(State, Props) :-
482 Props0 = [ margin_left(LM),
483 margin_right(RM),
484 text_align(TA),
485 width(W),
486 pad(Pad)
487 ],
488 _{margin_left:LM, margin_right:RM, text_align:TA, width:W,
489 pad:Pad} >:< State,
490 filled_par_props(Props0, Props).
492filled_par_props([], []).
493filled_par_props([H|T0], [H|T]) :-
494 arg(1, H, A),
495 nonvar(A),
496 !,
497 filled_par_props(T0, T).
498filled_par_props([_|T0], T) :-
499 filled_par_props(T0, T).
502state_par_properties(State, Options, BlockOptions) :-
503 state_par_properties(State, Options0),
504 foldl(merge_par_option, Options, Options0, BlockOptions).
506merge_par_option(margin_left(ML0), Options0, [margin_left(ML)|Options1]) :-
507 !,
508 select_option(margin_left(ML1), Options0, Options1, 0),
509 ML is ML0+ML1.
510merge_par_option(margin_right(MR0), Options0, [margin_right(MR)|Options1]) :-
511 !,
512 select_option(margin_right(MR1), Options0, Options1, 0),
513 MR is MR0+MR1.
514merge_par_option(Opt, Options0, Options) :-
515 merge_options([Opt], Options0, Options).
523emit_block([], _, _) :-
524 !.
525emit_block(Words, Options, State) :-
526 state_par_properties(State, Options, BlockOptions),
527 use_current_position(BlockOptions, BlockOptions1),
528 ask_nl(1),
529 emit_nl,
530 format_paragraph(Words, BlockOptions1),
531 ask_nl(1).
533use_current_position(Options0, Options) :-
534 nb_current(nl_pending, start),
535 line_position(current_output, Pos),
536 Pos > 0,
537 !,
538 Hang is -Pos,
539 Options = [hang(Hang)|Options0].
540use_current_position(Options, Options).
549init_nl :-
550 nb_setval(nl_pending, start).
552init_nl(Old) :-
553 ( nb_current(nl_pending, Old)
554 -> true
555 ; Old = []
556 ),
557 nb_setval(nl_pending, start).
558exit_nl(Old) :-
559 nb_setval(nl_pending, Old).
561ask_nl(N) :-
562 ( nb_current(nl_pending, N0)
563 -> ( N0 == start
564 -> true
565 ; integer(N0)
566 -> N1 is max(N0, N),
567 nb_setval(nl_pending, N1)
568 ; nb_setval(nl_pending, N)
569 )
570 ; nb_setval(nl_pending, N)
571 ).
573emit_nl :-
574 ( nb_current(nl_pending, N),
575 integer(N)
576 -> forall(between(1,N,_), nl)
577 ; true
578 ),
579 nb_setval(nl_pending, 0).
588emit_code(Content, BlockAttrs, State) :-
589 Style = State.style,
590 split_string(Content, "\n", "", Lines),
591 option(margin_left(LM0), BlockAttrs, 4),
592 LM is LM0+State.margin_left,
593 ask_nl(1),
594 emit_nl,
595 emit_code_lines(Lines, 1, LM, Style),
596 ask_nl(1).
598emit_code_lines([], _, _, _).
599emit_code_lines([H|T], LineNo, LM, Style) :-
600 emit_code_line(H, LineNo, LM, Style),
601 LineNo1 is LineNo + 1,
602 emit_code_lines(T, LineNo1, LM, Style).
604emit_code_line(Line, _LineNo, LM, Style) :-
605 emit_nl,
606 emit_indent(LM),
607 ( Style == []
608 -> write(Line)
609 ; ansi_format(Style, '~s', [Line])
610 ),
611 ask_nl(1).
613emit_indent(N) :-
614 forall(between(1, N, _),
615 put_char(' ')).
624format_table(Content, Attrs, BlockAttrs, State) :-
625 tty_state(TTY),
626 option(margin_left(ML), BlockAttrs, 0),
627 option(margin_right(MR), BlockAttrs, 0),
628 MaxTableWidth is State.width - ML - MR,
629 table_cell_state(Attrs, State, CellState),
630 phrase(rows(Content), Rows),
631 columns(Rows, Columns),
632 maplist(auto_column_width(CellState.put(tty,false)), Columns, Widths),
633 column_widths(Widths, MaxTableWidth, ColWidths),
634 maplist(format_row(ColWidths, CellState.put(tty,TTY), ML), Rows).
636tty_state(TTY) :-
637 stream_property(current_output, tty(true)),
638 !,
639 TTY = true.
648column_widths(Widths, MaxTableWidth, Widths) :-
649 sum_list(Widths, AutoWidth),
650 AutoWidth =< MaxTableWidth,
651 !.
652column_widths(AutoWidths, MaxTableWidth, Widths) :-
653 sort(0, >=, AutoWidths, Sorted),
654 append(Wrapped, Keep, Sorted),
655 sum_list(Keep, KeepWidth),
656 KeepWidth < MaxTableWidth/2,
657 length(Wrapped, NWrapped),
658 WideWidth is round((MaxTableWidth-KeepWidth)/NWrapped),
659 ( [KeepW|_] = Keep
660 -> true
661 ; KeepW = 0
662 ),
663 !,
664 maplist(truncate_column(KeepW,WideWidth), AutoWidths, Widths).
666truncate_column(Keep, WideWidth, AutoWidth, Width) :-
667 ( AutoWidth =< Keep
668 -> Width = AutoWidth
669 ; Width = WideWidth
670 ).
672table_cell_state(Attrs, State, CellState) :-
673 ( element_css(table, Attrs, CSS)
674 -> true
675 ; CSS = []
676 ),
677 option(padding_left(PL), CSS, 1),
678 option(padding_right(PR), CSS, 1),
679 CellState = State.put(_{margin_left:PL, margin_right:PR}).
684rows([]) --> [].
685rows([H|T]) --> rows(H), rows(T).
686rows([element(tbody,_,Content)|T]) --> rows(Content), rows(T).
687rows([element(tr,Attrs,Columns)|T]) --> [row(Columns, Attrs)], rows(T).
694columns(Rows, Columns) :-
695 columns(Rows, 1, Columns).
697columns(Rows, I, Columns) :-
698 maplist(row_column(I, Found), Rows, H),
699 ( Found == true
700 -> Columns = [H|T],
701 I2 is I + 1,
702 columns(Rows, I2, T)
703 ; Columns = []
704 ).
706row_column(I, Found, row(Columns, _Attrs), Cell) :-
707 ( nth1(I, Columns, Cell)
708 -> Found = true
709 ; Cell = element(td,[],[])
710 ).
712auto_column_width(State, Col, Width) :-
713 maplist(auto_cell_width(State), Col, Widths),
714 max_list(Widths, Width).
716auto_cell_width(State, Cell, Width) :-
717 cell_colspan(Cell, 1),
718 !,
719 format_cell_to_string(Cell, 1_000, State, String),
720 split_string(String, "\n", "", Lines),
721 maplist(string_length, Lines, LineW),
722 max_list(LineW, Width0),
723 Width is Width0 + State.margin_right.
724auto_cell_width(_, _, 0).
730format_row(ColWidths, State, MarginLeft, Row) :-
731 hrule(Row, ColWidths, MarginLeft),
732 format_cells(ColWidths, CWSpanned, 1, Row, State, Cells),
733 format_row_lines(1, CWSpanned, Cells, MarginLeft).
735hrule(row(_, Attrs), ColWidths, MarginLeft) :-
736 attrs_classes(Attrs, Classes),
737 memberchk(hline, Classes),
738 !,
739 sum_list(ColWidths, RuleLen),
740 format('~N~t~*|~`-t~*+', [MarginLeft, RuleLen]).
741hrule(_, _, _).
743format_row_lines(LineNo, Widths, Cells, MarginLeft) :-
744 nth_row_line(Widths, 1, LineNo, Cells, CellLines, Found),
745 ( Found == true
746 -> emit_nl,
747 emit_indent(MarginLeft),
748 maplist(emit_cell_line, CellLines),
749 ask_nl(1),
750 LineNo1 is LineNo + 1,
751 format_row_lines(LineNo1, Widths, Cells, MarginLeft)
752 ; true
753 ).
755emit_cell_line(Line-Pad) :-
756 write(Line),
757 forall(between(1,Pad,_), put_char(' ')).
759nth_row_line([], _, _, _, [], _).
760nth_row_line([ColW|CWT], CellNo, LineNo, Cells, [CellLine-Pad|ColLines],
761 Found) :-
762 nth1(CellNo, Cells, CellLines),
763 ( nth1(LineNo, CellLines, CellLine)
764 -> Found = true,
765 Pad = 0
766 ; CellLine = '', Pad = ColW
767 ),
768 CellNo1 is CellNo + 1,
769 nth_row_line(CWT, CellNo1, LineNo, Cells, ColLines, Found).
778format_cells([], [], _, _, _, []) :- !.
779format_cells(CWidths, [HW|TW], Column, Row, State, [HC|TC]) :-
780 Row = row(Columns, _Attrs),
781 nth1(Column, Columns, Cell),
782 cell_colspan(Cell, CWidths, HW, TW0),
783 cell_align(Cell, Align),
784 format_cell_to_string(Cell, HW, State.put(_{pad:' ', text_align:Align}), String),
785 split_string(String, "\n", "", HC),
786 Column1 is Column+1,
787 format_cells(TW0, TW, Column1, Row, State, TC).
789cell_colspan(Cell, CWidths, HW, TW) :-
790 cell_colspan(Cell, Span),
791 length(SpanW, Span),
792 append(SpanW, TW, CWidths),
793 sum_list(SpanW, HW).
795cell_colspan(element(_,Attrs,_), Span) :-
796 ( memberchk(colspan=SpanA, Attrs),
797 atom_number(SpanA, SpanN)
798 -> Span = SpanN
799 ; Span = 1
800 ).
808cell_align(element(_,Attrs,_), Align) :-
809 ( memberchk(align=AlignA, Attrs)
810 -> Align = AlignA
811 ; memberchk(style=Style, Attrs),
812 style_css_attrs(Style, Props),
813 memberchk('text-align'(AlignA), Props)
814 -> Align = AlignA
815 ; Align = left
816 ).
823format_cell_to_string(element(_,_,[]), ColWidth, State, String) :-
824 Pad = State.get(pad),
825 !,
826 length(Chars, ColWidth),
827 maplist(=(Pad), Chars),
828 atomics_to_string(Chars, String).
829format_cell_to_string(Cell, ColWidth, State, String) :-
830 setup_call_cleanup(
831 init_nl(NlState),
832 with_output_to(
833 string(String),
834 format_cell(Cell, ColWidth, State)),
835 exit_nl(NlState)).
837format_cell(element(E, _Attrs, Content), ColWidth, State) :-
838 set_stream(current_output, tty(State.tty)),
839 cell_element(E, Style),
840 update_style(Style, State.put(width, ColWidth), CellState),
841 block_words(Content, Blocks, Words, CellState),
842 emit_block(Words, [], CellState),
843 ( Blocks \== []
844 -> format_dom(Blocks, CellState)
845 ; true
846 ).
848cell_element(td, [normal]).
849cell_element(th, [bold]).
856emit_hr(_Attrs, BlockAttrs, State) :-
857 option(margin_left(ML), BlockAttrs, 0),
858 option(margin_right(MR), BlockAttrs, 0),
859 RuleWidth is State.width - ML - MR,
860 Style = State.style,
861 emit_indent(ML),
862 ( Style == []
863 -> format('~|~*t~*+', [0'-, RuleWidth])
864 ; ansi_format(Style, '~|~*t~*+', [0'-, RuleWidth])
865 )
Render HTML as plain text
This module renders HTML markup as plain text, just like the open lynx program does. It is (as yet), limited to and spacialized for dealing with the SWI-Prolog documentation. This library first of all supports help/1. */