:- module(scasp_options, [ scasp_parse_args/3, % +Argv, -Sources, -Options scasp_help/0, scasp_set_options/1, % +Options scasp_set_options/2, % +Options, -Unprocessed scasp_version/1, % -Version scasp_opt_type/3, % ?Flag, ?Option, ?Type scasp_opt_help/2, % +Option, -Help scasp_opt_meta/2 % +Option, -Meta ]). :- use_module(library(main)). :- use_module(library(strings)). % Quasi quotation :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(option)). /** (Command line) option handling for sCASP @author Joaquin Arias */ % Prefer Unicode symbols over ASCII :- create_prolog_flag(scasp_unicode, true, []). %! scasp_version(-Version) % % print the current version of s(CASP) scasp_version('swi.'). %! scasp_set_options(+Options) is det. %! scasp_set_options(+Options, -Unprocessed) is det. % % Set Prolog flags that control the solver from Options. scasp_set_options(Options) :- scasp_set_options(Options, _). scasp_set_options(Options, Left) :- opt_process(Options, Options1), exclude(set_option, Options1, Left). % Solver options set_option(nmr(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_compile_nmr, Bool). set_option(olon(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_compile_olon, Bool). set_option(forall(Algorithm)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_forall, Algorithm). set_option(dcc(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_dcc, Bool). % Presentation uptions set_option(unicode(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_unicode, Bool). set_option(assume(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_assume, Bool). set_option(real(Decimals)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_real, Decimals). % Verbosity options set_option(verbose(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_verbose, Bool). set_option(warning(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_warnings, Bool). set_option(trace_fails(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_trace_failures, Bool). set_option(trace_dcc(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_trace_dcc, Bool). set_option(raw(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(scasp_list_raw, Bool). set_option(color(Bool)) => set_prolog_flag(color_term, Bool). % Ignore other well formed options. set_option(Term), compound(Term), functor(Term, _, 1) => fail. /******************************* * OPTION CHECKING * *******************************/ %! opt_process(+OptionsIn, -Options) is det. % % Post processs the option list. This does a findall/3 on opt_rule/1 % which may use opt/1 to access the option list being processed. The % opt_rule/1 returns one or more actions. Defined actions are: % % - default(+Opt) % If Opt is not defined, add Opt as default. % - add(+Opt) % Add an option. If the option is defined, remove it. % - replace(+Opts, +Opt) % Remove options for Opts (a list or a single option) and % add Opt. % - warning(Term) % call print_message(warning, Term) and continue. % - error(Term) % call print_message(error, Term) and die using halt(1). % @tbd This is code that might go into the Prolog libraries at some time. :- det(opt_process/2). opt_process(Options0, Options) :- opt_step(Options0, Options1), ( Options1 == Options0 -> Options = Options1 ; opt_step(Options1, Options) ). opt_step(Options0, Options) :- findall(Act, opt_act(Options0, Act), Actions), foldl(apply_action, Actions, Options0, Options). apply_action(default(Opt), Options0, Options) => merge_options(Options0, [Opt], Options). apply_action(add(Opt), Options0, Options) => merge_options([Opt], Options0, Options). apply_action(replace(Old, New), Options0, Options) => opt_delete(Old, Options0, Options1), merge_options([New], Options1, Options). apply_action(warning(Msg), Options0, Options) => Options = Options0, print_message(warning, Msg). apply_action(error(Msg), _Options0, _Options) => print_message(error, Msg), halt(1). opt_delete([], Options0, Options) => Options = Options0. opt_delete([H|T], Options0, Options), is_opt(H) => delete(Options0, H, Options1), opt_delete(T, Options1, Options). opt_delete(Opt, Options0, Options), is_opt(Opt) => delete(Options0, Opt, Options). is_opt(Opt) :- compound(Opt), compound_name_arity(Opt, _, 1). opt_act(Options, Act) :- b_setval(options, Options), opt_rule(Act). opt(Opt) :- b_getval(options, Opts), option(Opt, Opts). %! opt_rule(-Action) is nondet. % % Option rules for s(CASP). Processed using opt_process/2 above. opt_rule(Action) :- detail(print_tree, Action). opt_rule(Action) :- detail(write_program, Action). opt_rule(Error) :- at_most_one_of([verbose, human], Error). opt_rule(Error) :- at_most_one_of([interactive, human], Error). opt_rule(add(forall(prev))) :- \+ opt(forall(_)), opt_true(dcc). opt_rule(error(scasp(opt_dcc_prev_forall))) :- opt(forall(Forall)), Forall \== prev, opt_true(dcc). detail(Opt, Action) :- True =.. [Opt,true], opt(True), (opt(short(Short)) -> true ; Short = '-'), (opt(mid(Mid)) -> true ; Mid = '-'), (opt(long(Long)) -> true ; Long = '-'), ( detail(Short, Mid, Long, Detail) -> Del =.. [Opt,_], New =.. [Opt,Detail], Action = replace([Del,short(_),mid(_),long(_)], New) ; Action = error(scasp(at_most_one_of([short,mid,long]))) ). detail(true, -, -, short). detail(-, true, -, mid). detail(-, -, true, long). detail(-, -, -, mid). at_most_one_of(List, Error) :- append(_, [First|Rest], List), opt_true(First), member(Second, Rest), opt_true(Second), !, Error = error(scasp(at_most_one_of(List))). opt_true(Name) :- Opt =.. [Name,true], opt(Opt). /******************************* * SPEC * *******************************/ %! opt_type(?Opt, ?Destination, ?Type) opt_type(interactive, interactive, boolean). opt_type(i, interactive, boolean). opt_type(s, answers, nonneg). opt_type(n, answers, nonneg). opt_type(query, query, term([variable_names(_)])). opt_type(compiled, compiled, boolean). opt_type(c, compiled, boolean). opt_type(plaindual, plain_dual, boolean). opt_type(d, plain_dual, boolean). opt_type(r, real, between(1,16)|oneof([float])). opt_type(code, write_program, boolean). opt_type(human, human, boolean). opt_type(tree, tree, boolean). opt_type(pos, pos, boolean). opt_type(assume, assume, boolean). opt_type(short, short, boolean). opt_type(mid, pos, boolean). opt_type(long, long, boolean). opt_type(html, html, file(write)). opt_type(css, style, boolean). opt_type(script, script, boolean). opt_type(collapse, collapse_below, nonneg). opt_type(json, json, file(write)). opt_type(width, width, nonneg). opt_type(unicode, unicode, boolean). opt_type(u, unicode, boolean). opt_type(color, color, boolean). opt_type(verbose, verbose, boolean). opt_type(v, verbose, boolean). opt_type(version, version, boolean). opt_type(forall, forall, oneof([all,all_c,prev,sasp])). opt_type(trace_fails, trace_fails, boolean). opt_type(f, trace_fails, boolean). opt_type(trace_dcc, trace_dcc, boolean). opt_type(nmr, nmr, boolean(false)). opt_type(olon, olon, boolean(false)). opt_type(dcc, dcc, boolean). opt_type(unknown, unknown, oneof([fail,warning,error])). opt_type(warning, warning, boolean). opt_type(w, warning, boolean). opt_type(minimal, minimal, boolean). opt_type(m, minimal, boolean). opt_type(raw, raw, boolean). opt_help(interactive, "Run in interactive mode (REP loop)"). opt_help(answers, "Number of answers to report (0 for all)"). opt_help(query, "Query to run (overrules ?- query from program)"). opt_help(compiled, "Load compiled files (e.g. extracted using --code)"). opt_help(write_program, "Output the compiled program and exit"). opt_help(plain_dual, "Generate dual program with single-goal clauses"). opt_help(real, "Output rational numbers as decimal. \c An integer value specifies the number of decimals \c the value `float` simply converts to a float."). opt_help(code, "Print program with dual clauses and exit"). opt_help(human, "Output code/justification tree in natural language"). opt_help(tree, "Print justification tree for each answer"). opt_help(assume, "Mark assumed nodes in the justification"). opt_help(long, "Output long version of code or justification."). opt_help(mid, "Output mid-sized version of code or justification \c (default)"). opt_help(short, "Short version of code or justification"). opt_help(pos, "Only format the selected literals in the \c justification"). opt_help(html, "Generate an HTML file (\"-\" for standard output)"). opt_help(style, "Include CSS in HTML output (default)"). opt_help(script, "Include JavaScript in HTML output (default)"). opt_help(collapse_below, "Collapse HTML tree below this level (2)"). opt_help(json, "Generate a JSON file (\"-\" for standard output)"). opt_help(width, "Page width. For JSON, 0 stops formatting the output"). opt_help(unicode, "Use Unicode symbols in output"). opt_help(color, "Use ANSI sequences to color terminal output"). opt_help(verbose, "Enable verbose progress messages"). opt_help(trace_fails, "Trace user-predicate failures"). opt_help(trace_dcc, "Trace DCC pruning"). opt_help(unknown, "Act on undefined predicates (fail,warning,error)"). opt_help(forall, "Forall algorithm to use ([all], all_c, prev, sasp)"). opt_help(olon, "Compile olon rules (--no-olon for debugging purposes)"). opt_help(nmr, "Compile NMR rules (--no-nmr for debugging purposes)"). opt_help(dcc, "Use Dynamic Consistency Checking"). opt_help(warning, "Enable warning messages (failures in variant \c loops / disequality)"). opt_help(version, "Print version and exit"). opt_help(variant, "Do not fail in the presence of variant loops"). opt_help(minimal, "Collect only the minimal models (TABLING required)"). opt_help(raw, "Sort the clauses as s(ASP) does (use with --code)"). opt_help(help(header), [ansi(bold, '~w', [Header])]) :- scasp_version(Version), Header = {|string(Version)|| | s(CASP) version {Version} |}. opt_help(help(usage), Usage) :- Usage = {|string|| | [options] file ... | | s(CASP) computes stable models of predicate normal logic programs | with contraints using a top-down evaluation algorihtm. |}. opt_meta(answers, 'COUNT'). opt_meta(real, 'DECIMALS'). opt_meta(unknown, 'MODE'). opt_meta(collapse_below, 'LEVELS'). opt_meta(forall, 'ALGORITHM'). opt_meta(width, 'WIDTH'). %! scasp_opt_type(?Flag, ?Option, ?Type). %! scasp_opt_help(?Option, ?Help). %! scasp_opt_meta(?Option, ?Meta). % % Allow reusing scasp option processing scasp_opt_type(Flag, Option, Type) :- opt_type(Flag, Option, Type). scasp_opt_help(Option, Help) :- opt_help(Option, Help), Option \= help(_). scasp_opt_meta(Option, Meta) :- opt_meta(Option, Meta). %! scasp_help % % Print command line option help. scasp_help :- argv_usage(debug). %! scasp_parse_args(+Args, -Sources, -Options) % % Select from the list of arguments in Args which are the % user-options, Options and which are the program files, Sources. % % This predicate calls halt/0 when called with ``--version``. scasp_parse_args(Argv, Sources, Options) :- argv_options(Argv, Sources, Options0), opt_process(Options0, Options), info_and_exit_option(Sources, Options). info_and_exit_option(_Sources, Options) :- info_option(Options), !, halt(0). info_and_exit_option(_, _). info_option(Options) :- option(version(true), Options), scasp_version(Version), print_message(informational, scasp(version(Version))).