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    1:- module(casp_clpq,
    2          [ is_clpq_var/1,
    3            clpqr_dump_constraints/3,
    4            disequality_clpq/2,
    5            entails/2,
    6            entail_terms/2,
    7            dual_clpq/2,
    8            apply_clpq_constraints/1,
    9            dump_clpq_var/3,
   10            inf/2,
   11            sup/2,
   13            op(700, xfx, #=),
   14            op(700, xfx, #<>),
   15            op(700, xfx, #<),
   16            op(700, xfx, #=<),
   17            op(700, xfx, #>),
   18            op(700, xfx, #>=)
   19          ]).

Extension of the constraint solver CLP(Q)

This module inport the constraint solve package for CLP(Q) and extend its functionalities (among others) with: dual_clpq/2 provide the dual of a constraint store in run-time to evaluate the forall/4 predicate. pretty_print/1 used by portray_attribute/2 to print the constraints of a variable.

- Joaquin Arias */
   32:- use_module(disequality, [get_neg_var/2]).   33
   34:- use_module(library(clpq)).   35:- use_module(library(clpr), []).                                % avoid undef
   36:- use_module(library(clpqr/dump), [dump/3]).   37:- use_module(library(apply), [maplist/3, include/3]).   38:- use_module(library(debug), [assertion/1]).   39:- use_module(library(edinburgh), [display/1]).   40:- use_module(library(lists), [reverse/2]).   41:- use_module(library(prolog_code), [comma_list/2]).   42
   43clpqr_dump_constraints(Target, NewVars, Constraints), is_list(Target) =>
   44    maplist(to_clpq_var, Target, Target2),
   45    dump(Target2, NewVars, Constraints0),
   46    maplist(ciao_constraint, Constraints0, Constraints).
   48to_clpq_var(X, V) :-
   49    (   is_clpq_var(X)
   50    ->  V = X
   51    ;   true
   52    ).
   54ciao_constraint(A=B,     Ciao) => Ciao = (A#=B).
   55ciao_constraint(A-B=\=0, Ciao) => Ciao = (A#<>B).
   56ciao_constraint(A>B,     Ciao) => Ciao = (A#>B).
   57ciao_constraint(A>=B,    Ciao) => Ciao = (A#>=B).
   58ciao_constraint(A<B,     Ciao) => Ciao = (A#<B).
   59ciao_constraint(A=<B,    Ciao) => Ciao = (A#=<B).
   61clpq_entailed(Ciao) :-
   62    trans_meta_clp(Ciao, ClpQ),
   63    entailed(ClpQ).
   65clpq_meta(C) :-
   66    clpqr_meta(C).
   68% from Ciao library/clpqr/
   69clpqr_meta(Ciao) :-
   70    trans_meta_clp(Ciao, ClpQ),
   71    {ClpQ}.
 trans_meta_clp(+Ciao, -ClpQ)
Translate Ciao style clp(Q) constraints into an expression that can be handled by clp(Q) {Goal}.
   78trans_meta_clp((A,B), ClpQ) =>
   79    trans_meta_clp(A, AR),
   80    trans_meta_clp(B, BR),
   81    ClpQ = (AR,BR).
   82trans_meta_clp((A;B), ClpQ) =>
   83    trans_meta_clp(A, AR),
   84    trans_meta_clp(B, BR),
   85    ClpQ = (AR;BR).
   86trans_meta_clp([], _) =>
   87    assertion(fail).
   88trans_meta_clp(List, ClpQ), is_list(List) =>
   89    comma_list(Conj, List),
   90    trans_meta_clp(Conj, ClpQ).
   91trans_meta_clp(A#=B,  ClpQ) =>  ClpQ = (A =:= B).
   92trans_meta_clp(A#<>B, ClpQ) =>  ClpQ = (A =\= B).
   93trans_meta_clp(A#<B,  ClpQ) =>  ClpQ = (A  <  B).
   94trans_meta_clp(A#=<B, ClpQ) =>  ClpQ = (A =<  B).
   95trans_meta_clp(A#>B,  ClpQ) =>  ClpQ = (A  >  B).
   96trans_meta_clp(A#>=B, ClpQ) =>  ClpQ = (A  >= B).
   97% for
   98trans_meta_clp(A < B, ClpQ) =>  ClpQ = (A  <  B).
   99trans_meta_clp(A > B, ClpQ) =>  ClpQ = (A  >  B).
 is_clpq_var(@Term) is semidet
True when Term is a clpq attributed variable.
  105is_clpq_var(X) :-
  106    attvar(X),
  107    clp_type(X, clpq).
  109apply_clpq_constraints(A #<> B + C) :-
  110    get_neg_var(A,[Num]),
  111    number(Num),
  112    Num is B + C, !.
  113apply_clpq_constraints(A #<> B) :- !,       % JW: Why not simply {A =\= B}?
  114    (   apply_clpq_constraints(A #< B)
  115    ;   apply_clpq_constraints(A #> B)
  116    ).
  117apply_clpq_constraints(Constraints) :-
  118    clpq_meta(Constraints).
  120dump_clpq_var([Ground], [NewVar], Constraints) :-
  121    ground(Ground),
  122    Constraints = [NewVar #= Ground].
  123dump_clpq_var(Var, NewVar, Constraints) :-
  124    \+ ground(Var),
  125    clpqr_dump_constraints([Var], [NewVar], Constraints).
  127dual_clpq([Unique], [Dual]) :-
  128    dual_clpq_(Unique, Dual).
  129dual_clpq([Init, Next|Is], Dual) :-
  130    (   dual_clpq([Init], Dual)
  131    ;   dual_clpq([Next|Is], NextDual),
  132        Dual = [Init|NextDual]
  133    ).
  135dual_clpq_(A #< B, A #>= B).
  136dual_clpq_(A #=< B, A #> B).
  137dual_clpq_(A #> B, A #=< B).
  138dual_clpq_(A #>= B, A #< B).
  139dual_clpq_(A #<> B, A #= B).
  140%dual_clpq_(A #= B, A .<>. B).
  141dual_clpq_(A #= B, A #> B).
  142dual_clpq_(A #= B, A #< B).
  145disequality_clpq(A, B) :-
  146    \+ is_clpq_var(B), !,
  147    (   apply_clpq_constraints([A #> B])
  148    ;   apply_clpq_constraints([A #< B])
  149    ).
  151% Success if StoreA >= StoreB
  152entails(VarA, (VarB, StoreB)) :-
  153    dump_clpq_var(VarA, VarB, StoreA),
  154    clpq_meta(StoreB),
  155    clpq_entailed(StoreA).
  157% Success if StoreA >= StoreB
  158store_entails(StoreA, StoreB) :-
  159    clpq_meta(StoreB),
  160    clpq_entailed(StoreA).
  162% Success if S >= Goal
  163entail_terms(Goal, S) :-
  164    \+ Goal \= S,
  165    clp_varset(Goal, VsGoal),
  166    VsGoal \= [],
  167    clp_varset(S, VsS),
  168    clpqr_dump_constraints(VsGoal, DumpVars, StoreGoal),
  169    clpqr_dump_constraints(VsS, DumpVars, StoreVsS),
  170    store_entails(StoreVsS,StoreGoal).
  172clp_varset(Term, ClpVars) :-
  173    term_attvars(Term, Vars),
  174    include(is_clpq_var, Vars, ClpVars).
  176% :- set_prolog_flag(write_attributes, portray).
  178itf:attr_portray_hook(_, A) :-
  179    \+ \+ ( clpqr_dump_constraints([A], [X], Constraints),
  180            (   Constraints == []
  181            ->  write(A)
  182            ;   reverse(Constraints, RC),
  183                pretty_print(RC, X)
  184            )
  185          ).
  187pretty_print([], _).
  188pretty_print([C], X) :- pretty_print_(C, X).
  189pretty_print([C1, C2|Cs], X) :- pretty_print_(C1, X), display(', '), pretty_print([C2|Cs], X).
  191pretty_print_(nonzero(Var), X) =>
  192    (   Var == X
  193    ->  format('nonzero(\u2627)')
  194    ;   write(nonzero(Var))
  195    ).
  196pretty_print_(C, X), compound(C), C =.. [Op, A, B] =>
  197    (   pretty_op(Op, Pretty)
  198    ->  true
  199    ;   Pretty = Op
  200    ),
  201    pretty_print_(A, X), format(' ~q ', [Pretty]), pretty_print_(B, X), !.
  202pretty_print_(A, X) =>
  203    (   A == X
  204    ->  format('\u2627')
  205    ;   write(A)
  206    ).
  208pretty_op(#<,    <).
  209pretty_op(#=<,  =<).
  210pretty_op(#>,  >).
  211pretty_op(#>=, >=).
  212pretty_op(#=,   =).
  213pretty_op(#<>, \=)