All predicatesShow -- Bind Rserve to SWISH

The user must provide the file search path rserve to local the R connection library.

Source r_call:r_console(+Stream, ?Data)[multifile]
Relay Rserve captured output to SWISH using writeln.
Source r_call:r_console_property(?Property)[multifile]
Relay the size of the console
Source r_call:r_display_images(+Images)[multifile]
Relay received images to the SWISH console using pengine_output/1.
Source svg_html(+Images, -HTMlString) is det[private]
Turn a list of SVG images into an HTML string.
Add pan and soom behaviour to embedded SVG. This function also renames the id attribute and their references.
- We need a generic way to fix all references to the ID. Is there a list of such attributes?
- Instead of "use", we should use "[xlink\\:href]", but this does not seem to work!?
- When generalised, this could move into runner.js.
Source r_download
Provide download buttons for all created files. First calls the R function to close all graphics devices.
Source r_download(File)
Provide a download button for the indicates file.