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equilateral_triangle( T ) :- setof( p(P,X:Y) , point(P,X,Y) , Ps ) , combination(Ps,[A,B,C]), equilateral_triangle(A,B,C,T) . %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % combination( +Set, +Combination ) % % Takes a set (a list of distinct things) of M things and produces % on backtracking all the combinations of M things taken N at a time. % % Combination, the 2nd argument MUST be initialize as a list of the desired % length. For example, to get all the combination of 8 things taken 3 at a time, % you'd say something like this: % % ?- length(C,3), combination([a,b,c,d,e],C). % % And get back % % C = [a, b, c] % C = [a, b, d] % C = [a, b, e] % C = [a, c, d] % C = [a, c, e] % C = [a, d, e] % C = [b, c, d] % C = [b, c, e] % C = [b, d, e] % C = [c, d, e] % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- combination( [] , [] ) . combination( [H|T] , [H|T2] ) :- combination(T,T2). combination( [_|T] , T2 ) :- combination(T,T2). %-------------------------------------------------------------- % 3 points comprise an equilateral triangle if the triangle % that they describe has legs of equal length %-------------------------------------------------------------- equilateral_triangle( p(A,Pa), p(B,Pb), p(C,Pc) , t(A,B,C) ) :- distance(Pa,Pb,D), distance(Pb,Pc,D), distance(Pc,Pa,D). %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % computes the distance between two points on the Cartesian plane. % the distance, D, is returned as an integer with an implied scale of 5, % so the distance 1.23456789 is returned as 123457 (rounded up) % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- distance( X1:Y1 , X2:Y2 , D ) :- V is sqrt( (X2-X1)^2 + (Y2-Y1)^2 ) , D is round( 100000 * V ) . point( a , 0 , 0 ) . point( b , 5 , 0 ) . point( c , 2.5 , 4.33012701892 ) . point( d , 1 , 1 ) . point( e , 6 , 1 ) . point( f , 3.5 , 5.33012701892 ) .