<div class="notebook"> <div class="nb-cell markdown" name="md1"> # SWISH Tutorials This notebook provides an overview of tutorials about using SWISH. - [Managing displayed variables (projections)](example/projections.swinb) - [Writing __HTML__](example/html_output.swinb) - [Rendering answers *graphically*](example/rendering.swinb) (graphs, charts, mathjax, etc.) - [Using __R__ in SWISH](example/Rserve.swinb) (statistics, charts, machine learning) - [Accessing external *data*](example/data_source.swinb) (CSV, SPARQL, etc.) - Advanced topics for *notebooks* - [How is the program assembled for a specific query?](example/notebook.swinb) - [Parameterized queries in notebooks](example/query_parms.swinb) - Using HTML cells in notebooks - [The basics](example/htmlcell.swinb) - [Including user widgets (slider)](example/slider.swinb) - [Hiding all SWISH elements](example/chat80.swinb) - [Embedding Prolog in markdown cells](example/md_eval.swinb) - [Access the SWISH interface from Prolog](example/jquery.swinb) </div> </div>