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% Problem 10: Summation of primes % ------------------------------- % The sum of all primes below 10 is 17. % Find the sum of all primes below 2000000. % % ============================================================================= % % The perfect job for an Erathosthenes sieve. Ancient greek knowledge to the % rescue! % % Implementation notes: % - Low performance, high CPU usage and high stack space consumption. Prime % numbers are hard; % - This is really an Euler's sieve: the k-th recursion leaves (after % subtract/3) only numbers coprime with the first k primes. /** <examples> ?- euler010(2000000,X). */ :- use_module(library(clpfd)). :- use_module(library(yall)). :- use_module(library(lists),[numlist/3,sum_list/2,subtract/3]). :- use_module(library(apply),[convlist/3]). :- use_module(library(statistics),[time/1]). test:- write("Testing for "), write(euler010(2000000,142913828922)), writeln(" takes too long. A shorter test:"), writeln(euler010(20000,21171191)), time(euler010(20000,21171191)). euler010(L,SP):- L in 2..sup, numlist(2,L,LN), sieve(L,LN,LP), sum_list(LP,SP). sieve(X,[H|P],[H|P]):- H*H #> X, !. sieve(X,[H|TN],[H|TP]):- convlist({H,X}/[N,D]>> (D #= H*N, X #>= D),[H|TN],LD), subtract(TN,LD,R), sieve(X,R,TP).