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% Problem 3: Largest prime factor % ------------------------------- % The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. % What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? % % ============================================================================= % % Nothing special about this problem, just straight number crunching. Good % thing the problem number is not too huge, because prime factorization is a % really hard problem. % % Implementation notes: % - In nextprime/2, if a divisor is found (skipping 1) we need not bother % trying anything else. Praise failure-driven backtracking! % - I was forced to use is/2 with floor/1, and using #=/2 inside the % negated goal brutally kills performance for some reason. /** <examples> ?- euler003(600851475143,X). */ :- use_module(library(clpfd)). :- use_module(library(lists),[last/2]). :- use_module(library(statistics),[time/1]). test:- writeln(euler003(600851475143,6857)), time(euler003(600851475143,6857)). euler003(N,MF):- N in 1..sup, pfactor(N,2,LF), last(LF,MF). pfactor(1,_,[]):- !. pfactor(N,F,[F|LF]):- N mod F #= 0, NN #= N//F, pfactor(NN,F,LF), !. pfactor(N,F,LF):- nextprime(F,NP), (NP^2 #=< N -> pfactor(N,NP,LF); pfactor(N,N,LF)). nextprime(2,3):- !. nextprime(N,P):- P #= N+2, M is floor(sqrt(P)), \+ (between(2,M,X),0 is P mod X), !. nextprime(N,P):- NN #= N+2, nextprime(NN,P).